Recent Live Streams

Live Streams

United for Freedom & Counterspin Media Present the :

NZ Medical Symposium –

Sunday, October 10th, 3pm – 9pm.

On Sunday, we held our second website livestream and had the great pleasure of hosting the UNITED FOR FREEDOM NZ Medical Symposium.

This ground breaking collaboration with UNITED FOR FREEDOM, invited 11 speakers to share their wisdom regarding COVID-19, vaccination & health, including NZDSOS Doctors & The NZ Health Forum’s Lynda Wharton.

Naturopath David Holden has made his slide show presentation available Download

The 6 hour live broadcast shared powerful and informative content, reaching over 70,000 viewers.

The entire day’s content is now available View Replay

Our editing team is working hard behind the scenes to get shorter videos out for you to share with your friends & family. Sign Up so we can send you the links when they are ready to view.

If you are new here to Counterspin, be sure to :

Event Details –  We had a fantastic lineup:

Hosted by Kelvyn Alp & NZDSOS Pharmacist Shane Chafin.

Time Sessions

3:00 PM – Introduction by Counterspin Media

3:05 PM – Ross Hebblethwaite – Practitioner

3:20 PM – The Health Forum – People Register

3:30 PMLIVE Doctors Questions :
Dr. Matt Sheldon, Dr. Simon Thornly, Dr.Cindy de Villiers, Dr. Alison Goodwin

5:40 PM – Dr. Tihomir Djordjic – Specialist Obstetrician & Gynecologist

6:00 PM – Dr. Michael Paul Girouard MD Anesthesiology

6:45 PM – David A. Walsh,Bsc DMD – Dentist

7:00 PM – William Bissset – Functional Medicine

7:30 PM – Ross Hebblethwaite – Practitioner

7:40 PMDavid Holden – Specialist Natropath & Nutritional Biochemist – Presentation Download

8:00 PM – Brilin Centre, Christchurch

8:15 PM – Counterspin Team

8:30 PM – Ross Hebblethwaite – Practitioner